Logistics and freight transport

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Foto: Hejdlösa bilder

Research in "Logistics and freight transport" addresses the development and implementation of efficient, sustainable and competitive logistics, as well as the impact of societal trends, new technologies and policy decisions on the freight transport system.

The negative impact of transportation on the environment together with our inability to streamline and reduce energy consumption is a growing societal problem. To achieve a long-term sustainable transport system, extensive changes are required where new technology and political decisions can contribute, but we also need more knowledge on how we can better plan, control and design our transport flows. For Sweden, which is a long and sparsely populated country on the periphery of Europe and dependent on efficient freight transport, it is an extra big challenge.

Research specialisation

VTI´s research in logistics and freight transport concerns the development and implementation of efficient, sustainable and competitive logistics as well as how political decisions, technology and social trends affect companies’ freight transport. The research can be about the role of logistic actors (i.e. freight forwarder, shipper and transport company) in the transition towards a fossil free transport system, resilience in the transport system, how logistics can be used to achieve a circular economy, e-commerce and urban logistics as well as how electrification and digitalization can contribute to sustainable logistics.

We use case studies, interview studies, litteratur studies and calculations. In some projects we also use Samgods which is the Swedish Transport Administration's (Trafikverket) model for system studies of freight transport at national level.

Logistics and freight transport is divided into six specialisations:

Members of the logistics research group

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