Well-being and benefits

Hands rolling a yoga mat.
Photo: Yuri Arcurs/Mostphotos.com

Your health and well-being are important to us. See what benefits we offer, how many days of vacation you get and which interest groups and activities you can join.

As an employee at VTI and within the state, there are several benefits you are entitled to:

  • Physical activity: Subsidized massage and a physical activity allowance of SEK 3,500 per year.
  • Occupational health care: Support from occupational health care is offered when needed.
  • Reimbursement for medication and doctor visits: We reimburse expenses for prescription medication, doctor visits or physiotherapy up to the high-cost protection limit.
  • Ergonomics: Ergonomic review for all new employees or when needed.
  • Glasses for screen-use: You get an eye test and glasses for screen-use if you need them for your work.
  • Insurance: You are insured for accidents at work and also during travel to and from work.


You get different numbers of vacation days depending on your age:

  • 28 vacation days until the year you turn 29, then 31 vacation days
  • From the year you turn 40, you get 35 vacation days.

Intrest groups and activities

There are various interest groups that you can join. The range and activities vary depending on the office and location. For example:

  • Art association
  • Book circle
  • Bicycle training group
  • Pub evenings
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