System analysis studies
VTI performs system analysis within several areas, e.g. for alternative fuels and infrastructure projects where we analyse technologies, policy instruments and processes that can assist in reaching the Swedish and international environmental and climate targets.
System analysis a way to investigate how decision makers can be best supported in decision making when facing complex decision situation under uncertainty. System analysis is a practical philosophy for making decision oriented multidisciplinary research. The system-analytical studies performed by the environmental department at VTI often involves several disciplines such as technology, environmental sciences and economics and are carried out in collaboration with other departments at VTI and external partners.
Ongoing and recent projects, examples:
- Potential och förutsättningar för svensk sjöfarts omställning till fossilfri framdrift. (Translated: Prospects and potential for a transition to fossil free propulsion of Swedish shipping)
- KNOGA – Cost and risk distribution among key actors for defossilized long-haulage freight transports on road.
About the KNOGA-project on F3 Centre's website External link.
Publications, examples: